Conditions spécifiques des registres

Conditions spécifiques des registres

Retrouvez la liste de l'ensemble des extensions internet groupées par registre.
Utilisez cette liste pour consulter les conditions spécifiques à chaque extension et à son registre.

Astuce : appuyez sur Ctrl+F pour rechercher facilement une extension ou un registre en particulier.

TLD (ldh)TLD (unicode)registreURL registre
.abogado, .beer, .casa, .cooking, .fashion, .fishing, .fit, .garden, .horse, .miami, .rodeo, .surf, .vip, .vodka, .wedding, .work, .yoga Minds + Machines Group
.ac, .io Internet Computer Bureau
.academy, .accountants, .actor, .agency, .airforce, .apartments, .army, .associates, .attorney, .auction, .band, .bargains, .bike, .bingo, .boutique, .broker, .builders, .business, .cab, .cafe, .camera, .camp, .capital, .cards, .care, .careers, .cash, .casino, .catering, .center, .chat, .cheap, .church, .city, .claims, .cleaning, .clinic, .clothing, .coach, .codes, .coffee, .community, .company, .computer, .condos, .construction, .consulting, .contractors, .cool, .coupons, .credit, .creditcard, .cruises, .dance, .dating, .deals, .degree, .delivery, .democrat, .dental, .dentist, .diamonds, .digital, .direct, .directory, .discount, .doctor, .dog, .domains, .education, .email, .energy, .engineer, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .estate, .events, .exchange, .expert, .exposed, .express, .fail, .family, .farm, .finance, .financial, .fish, .fitness, .flights, .florist, .football, .forex, .forsale, .foundation, .fund, .furniture, .futbol, .fyi, .gallery, .games, .gifts, .gives, .glass, .gmbh, .gold, .golf, .g Donuts
.accountant dot Accountant
.ad Andorra Telecom
.adult, .porn, .sex, .xxx ICM Registry
.ae, .bh, .om,, .bh, .om, .اماراتTRA 
.af Ministry of Communications and IT
.africa ZA Central Registry NPC trading as Registry.Africa
.ag UHSA School of Medicine
.ai Government of Anguilla
.al Electronic and Postal Communications Authority - AKEP
.alsace Région Grand Est
.am Internet Society
.amsterdam Gemeente Amsterdam
.ao MTTI
.app, .dev, .how, .soy Google
.ar Presidencia de la Nación – Secretaría Legal y Técnica
.archi, .bet, .bio, .black, .blue, .green, .info, .kim, .lotto, .mobi, .organic, .pet, .pink, .poker, .pro, .promo, .red, .shiksha, .ski Afilias
.art UK Creative Ideas
.as AS Domain Registry
.asia DotAsia Organisation
.at nic.at
.au auDA
.audio, .blackfriday, .christmas, .click, .diet, .flowers, .game, .guitars, .help, .hiphop, .hiv, .hosting, .juegos, .link, .lol, .mom, .photo, .pics, .property, .sexy, .tattoo UNR
.auto, .boats, .car, .cars, .college, .homes, .protection, .rent, .security, .theatre, .tickets, .xyz XYZ.COM
.ax Ålands landskapsregering
.az IntraNS
.ba UTIC
.bank fTLD Registry Services
.bar, .rest Punto 2012
.barcelona Municipi de Barcelona
.bayern Bayern Connect
.bd Posts and Telecommunications Division
.be DNS Belgium
.berlin dotBERLIN
.best BestTLD Pty
.bf, .tg ARCEP
.bg Register.BG
.bi Centre National de l'Informatique
.bid dot Bid
.biz, .us Registry Services
.blog Knock Knock WHOIS There
.bo Agencia para el Desarrollo de la Información de la Sociedad en Bolivia
.br Comite Gestor da Internet no Brasil
.brussels, .vlaanderen DNS.be
.bs University of The Bahamas
.build Plan Bee
.by Reliable Software
.bz University of Belize
.bzh Association www.bzh
.ca CIRA
.capetown, .durban, .joburg ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry
.career dotCareer 
.cat Fundacio puntCAT
.cc Keeling
.cd Office Congolais des Postes et Télécommunications - OCPT
.ceo PeopleBrowsr
.cg Interpoint Switzerland
.ch, .li SWITCH The Swiss Education & Research Network
.cl University of Chile
.cloud ARUBA PEC
.cn,, .中国CNNIC
.co MinTIC
.cologne, .koeln dotKoeln
.com, .name, .net Verisign
.contact Dog Beach
.coop DotCooperation
.corsica Collectivité de Corse
.country Top Level Domain Holdings
.cr National Academy of Sciences
.cricket dot Cricket
.cx Christmas Island Domain Administration
.cy University of Cyprus
.cymru, .wales Nominet
.cz CZ.NIC
.date dot Date
.desi Desi Networks
.design, .ink, .wiki Top Level Design
.dj Djibouti Telecom
.dk Dansk Internet Forum
.dm DotDM
.do Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra
.download dot Support
.earth, .moe Interlink
.eco Big Room
.ee EIS
.eg EUN
.es Red.es
.et Ethio telecom
.eu EURid
.eus Puntueus Fundazioa
.faith dot Faith
.fans ZDNS International
.feedback Top Level Spectrum
.fi Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
.film Motion Picture Domain Registry Pty
.fm FSM Telecommunications
.fr, .pm, .re, .tf, .wf, .yt AFNIC
Tarifs disponibles sur devis.
Détails de la fonction recover de l'Afnic.
.frl FRLregistry
.fun, .host, .online, .press, .site, .space, .tech, .website Radix
.ga ANINF 
.gal Asociación puntoGAL
.gd NTRC
.gent Combell
.gg Island Networks
.gh Network Computer Systems
.gi Sapphire Networks
.gift Uniregistry
.gl TELE Greenland
.global Dot Global Domain Registry
.gn Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura
.gp Networking Technologies Group
.gt Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
.gy University of Guyana
.hamburg Hamburg Top-Level-Domain
.health DotHealth
.hk,, .香港Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation
.hn Red de Desarrollo Sostenible Honduras
.hr CARNet - Croatian Academic and Research Network
.ht Consortium FDS/RDDH
.hu CHIP
.ie University College Dublin
.il RA
.im Isle of Man Government
.in National Internet Exchange of India
.iq CMC
.ir Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences
.is ISNIC - Internet Iceland
.ist, .istanbul Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
.it IIT - CNR
.je Jersey
.jm University of West Indies 
.jo MoDEE
.jobs Employ Media
.jp Japan Registry Services
.ke KeNIC
.kg AsiaInfo Telecommunication Enterprise
.kh TRC
.ki Ministry of Communications, Transport, and Tourism Development
.kiwi DOT KIWI
.kn Ministry of Finance, Sustainable Development Information & Technology 
.kr KISA
.krd KRG Department of Information Technology
.kw Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority
.kyoto Academic Institution: Kyoto Jyoho Gakuen
.kz Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan
.lat ECOM-LAC Federación de Latinoamérica y el Caribe para Internet y el Comercio Electrónico
.law LW TLD
.lb American University of Beirut
.lc University of Puerto Rico
.leclerc A.C.D. LEC Association des Centres Distributeurs Edouard Leclerc
.lk Council for Information Technology
.loan dot Loan
.london Dot London Domains
.love Merchant Law Group
.lt Kaunas University of Technology
.ltda, .srl InterNetX
.luxury Luxury Partners
.lv University of Latvia
.ly General Post and Telecommunication Company
.ma ANRT
.mc Direction des Plateformes et des Ressources Numériques
.md MoldData
.me Government of Montenegro
.melbourne The Crown in right of the State of Victoria, represented by its Department of State Development, Business and Innovation
.men Exclusive Registry
.menu Wedding TLD2
.mg Network Information Center Madagascar
.mk Macedonian Academic Research Network Skopje
.ml Agence des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication
.mm Ministry of Transport and Communications
.mn Datacom
.mo CTT
.moi Amazon Registry Services
.moscow FAITID
.ms MNI Networks
.mt Malta
.mu Internet Direct
.mw Malawi Sustainable Development Network Programme
.mx NIC-Mexico
.my MYNIC Berhad
.mz Centro de Informatica de Universidade Eduardo Mondlane 
.na Namibian Network Information Center
.nagoya, .okinawa, .shop, .tokyo, .yokohama GMO Registry
.nc Office des Postes et Telecommunications
.nf Norfolk Island Data Services
.ng Nigeria Internet Registration Association
.ngo, .ong Public Interest Registry
.nl Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland
.no Norid
.nrw Minds + Machines
.nu The IUSN Foundation
.nyc The City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications
.nz InternetNZ
.one One.com
.onl, .rich iRegistry
.org PIR
.osaka Osaka Registry
.pa Universidad Tecnologica de Panama
.paris Ville de Paris
.party Blue Sky Registry
.pe Red Cientifica Peruana
.pf Gouvernement de la Polynésie française 
.ph PH Domain Foundation
.physio PhysBiz Pty
.pl Research and Academic Computer Network
.pn Pitcairn Island Administration
.pr Gauss Research Laboratory
.ps Ministry Of Telecommunications & Information Technology
.pt Associação DNS.PT
.pw Micronesia Investment and Development
.py NIC-PY
.qa,, .قطرCommunications Regulatory Authority
.qpon dotCOOL
.quebec PointQuébec
.racing Premier Registry
.radio EBU
.review dot Review
.rio Empresa Municipal de Informática SA - IPLANRIO
.ro National Institute for R&D in Informatics
.ru,, .рфCoordination Center for TLD RU
.ruhr regiodot
.sa Communications and Information Technology Commission
.saarland dotSaarland
.sb Solomon Telekom Company
.sc VCS Pty
.science dot Science
.scot Dot Scot Registry
.sd Sudan Internet Society
.se The Internet Infrastructure Foundation
.sh Government of St. Helena
.sk SK-NIC
.sl Sierratel
.sm Telecom Italia San Marino
.sn Universite Cheikh Anta Diop
.so Ministry of Post and Telecommunications
.sr Telesur
.st Tecnisys
.store DotStore
.stream dot Stream
.su Russian Institute for Development of Public Networks 
.sucks Vox Populi Registry
.swiss Swiss Confederation
.sx SX Registry
.sy NANS
.sydney State of New South Wales, Department of Premier and Cabinet
.taipei Taipei City Government
.tatar Coordination Center of Regional Domain of Tatarstan Republic
.tc Melrex TCHTTPS://WWW.NIC.TC/
.tel Telnames
.th Thai Network Information Center Foundation
.tirol punkt Tirol
.tj Information Technology Center
.tk Teletok
.tl Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
.tm TM Domain Registry
.tn Agence Tunisienne d'Internet
.to Government of the Kingdom of Tonga
.top Jiangsu Bangning Science & Technology
.tr BTK
.trade Elite Registry
.travel DogBeach
.tt University of the West Indies
.tube Latin American Telecom
.tv Ministry of Finance and Tourism
.tz Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority
.ua Hostmaster
.ug Uganda Online
.uk,,, Nominet UK
Voir la fiche des tarifs Nominet.
.uno DotSite /
.uy SeCIU - Universidad de la Republica
.uz Single Integrator for Creation and Support of State Information Systems UZINFOCOM
.vc Ministry of Telecommunications, Science, Technology and Industry 
.vegas Dot Vegas
.versicherung TLD-BOX Registrydienstleistungen
.vg Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of the Virgin Islands
.vi Virgin Islands Public Telecommunications System
.vote, .voto Monolith Registry
.voting Valuetainment
.vu TRBR
.webcam dot Webcam
.whoswho Who's Who Registry
.wien punkt.wien
.win First Registry
.ws Government of Samoa Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade
.ye TeleYemen 
.za ZA Domain Name Authority
.xn--wgbh1c.مصرNational Telecommunication Regulatory Authority - NTRA 
.xn--55qx5d,, .网络Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center) /
.xn--hxt814e.网店Zodiac Taurus